Health and Wellness/ Healing

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment – Book Summary

Please check out Dr. Carr’s Feel Good For Free resources including his guided ‘A meditation for practicing happiness’

Feel Good For Free

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills Group
The Victoria and South Island Divisions of Family Practice, in collaboration with Shared Care, will be offering an eight-week Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills Group for patients who are suffering with mild-moderate or remitted depression and anxiety. CBT is an evidence-based treatment for anxiety or depression. The group is part of a pilot project that fosters collaboration between family medicine and psychiatry, and enables people to access therapeutic support covered by MSP.
The British Columbia Association for Living Mindfully (BCALM) is a non-profit society dedicated to education, research and advocacy around the benefits of mindfulness in homes, in schools, and in workplaces throughout BC. For more information on classes and programs, visit their website

Guided Meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn. The Body Scan.

12 of the Best Free Guided Meditation Sites
Listening to one free, guided meditation track a day could be the thing that takes your health to the next level. Meditation boasts a whole host of potential benefits: Reduced stress, better decision making, decreased blood pressure, improved mindfulness… It’s an integral part of living a healthy lifestyle, and there are plenty of reasons to give it a go.

Why does a breakup hurt physically?
Meghan Laslocky explains where that feeling comes from and what it’s good for.

Lissa Rankin, MD. The Fear Cure, cultivating courage as medicine for the body, mind and soul.
Rankin explains how an over activated stress response creates conditions for ill health and how learning to activate the relaxation response creates conditions for health and wellness. This is important information for anyone experiencing ‘long term’ anxiety, worry, loneliness, frustration and other stress response inducing thinking. You can also view Dr. Rankin’s TedxTalks. (Book, available at GVPL).

Dr. Rick Hansen, Neuropsychologist. TedxMarin. Hardwiring Happiness.
How to overcome the negativity bias.

The Journey From Abandonment to Healing.
Susan Anderson’s book is helpful for people with loss, heartbreak, and abandonment.  The book defines the five phases of grieving a lost relationship and is designed to help all victims of emotional breakups—whether they are suffering from a recent loss or a lingering wound from the past; whether they are caught up in patterns that sabotage their own relationships or they are in a relationship where they no longer feel loved. From the first stunning blow to starting over, this book provides a complete program for abandonment recovery. (Book and audio book available at GVPL).
Guided programs in Mindfulness Meditation and Sleep.  Free introduction.

Headspace App
Headspace is a meditation app developed by Andy Puddicomb, an ordained Buddhist monk.  Headspace uses techniques that have been refined and developed over centuries to cultivate awareness and compassion and to improve health including stress, anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain.   You can sign up for 10 free guided 10 minute sessions.